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Gb Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment: The


A good soil amendment is essential for any garden. It can help to improve the drainage, aeration, and nutrient content of your soil, which will lead to healthier and more productive plants.

GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment is a premium organic soil amendment that is made from a blend of composted chicken manure, recycled forest products, and beneficial mycorrhizae. It is OMRI-listed, which means that it is certified to be organic by the Organic Materials Review Institute.

Benefits of GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment

There are many benefits to using GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment in your garden. Here are just a few:

  • Improves drainage and aeration: GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment helps to break up clay soils and improve drainage. This allows water and air to reach the roots of your plants more easily, which helps them to grow healthier and stronger.
  • Adds nutrients: GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other essential nutrients. These nutrients are essential for plant growth and development.
  • Promotes healthy root growth: The beneficial mycorrhizae in GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment help to promote healthy root growth. This gives your plants a better chance of absorbing the nutrients they need to thrive.
  • Improves soil health: GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment helps to improve the overall health of your soil. This can lead to increased plant growth, better yields, and a more productive garden.

How to Use GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment

GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment is easy to use. Simply mix it into your soil at a rate of 2-4 cubic feet per 100 square feet of garden space. You can use it in both raised beds and in-ground gardens.


GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment is a premium organic soil amendment that can help you to improve your garden. It is OMRI-listed, easy to use, and effective. If you are looking for a way to improve the health of your soil and boost your plant growth, then GB Harvest Supreme Soil Amendment is the perfect solution for you.

Are you looking for a soil amendment that will help your plants grow big and strong? Look no further than g&b harvest supreme soil amendment! This premium product is made with a blend of organic materials that will improve the nutrient content of your soil, promote root growth, and increase yields.

To learn more about g&b harvest supreme soil amendment, visit our website at Home Gardening. We offer a variety of resources, including a product overview, a blog, and a customer forum. We also have a team of experts who are available to answer your questions.

FAQ of g&b harvest supreme soil amendment

  • What is G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment?
    • G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment is an organic soil amendment that is blended with 15% composted chicken manure. It is designed to enrich your native soil and promote healthy plant growth.
  • What are the benefits of using G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment?
    • G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment can improve the drainage and aeration of your soil, making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients. It can also help to improve the water retention capacity of your soil, reducing the need for frequent watering. Additionally, the composted chicken manure in G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment provides a source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients for plants.
  • How do I use G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment?
    • G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment can be used in a variety of ways. You can mix it with your native soil before planting, or you can apply it to the top of the soil as a topdressing. The recommended ratio of G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment to native soil is 20% to 80%.
  • Is G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment safe to use?
    • Yes, G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment is safe to use. It is OMRI-listed, which means that it has been certified by the Organic Materials Review Institute as being safe for use in organic gardening.
  • What are some tips for using G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment?
    • When using G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment, it is important to work it into the soil thoroughly. This will ensure that the nutrients are evenly distributed and that the soil is well-aerated.
    • G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment can be used for a variety of plants, including vegetables, flowers, and trees. However, it is important to note that the amount of amendment you need will vary depending on the type of plant you are growing and the condition of your soil.
    • If you are using G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment for the first time, it is a good idea to start with a small amount and increase the amount as needed. This will help you to avoid over-fertilizing your plants.

Image of g&b harvest supreme soil amendment

10 different images of G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment that are free to use:

  1. Image of a bag of G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment with the product name and logo clearly visible. Image of Bag of G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  2. Image of a close-up of the G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment, showing the different ingredients. Image of Close-up of G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  3. Image of a gardener using G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment to fertilize their plants. Image of Gardener using G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  4. Image of a healthy plant that has been fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Healthy plant fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  5. Image of a flower bed that has been amended with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Flower bed amended with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  6. Image of a vegetable garden that has been amended with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Vegetable garden amended with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  7. Image of a fruit tree that has been fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Fruit tree fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  8. Image of a lawn that has been fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Lawn fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  9. Image of a houseplant that has been fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Houseplant fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment
  10. Image of a petunia plant that has been fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment. Image of Petunia plant fertilized with G&B Harvest Supreme soil amendment

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